I bought one in May 2023, I got right out on it, and wow what a difference getting around, the hills and bridges are a breeze now, but you still get gentle exercise, which I like.
I had an issue with the front break after a few days, the service desk sorted it out for me, and now the bike is perfect again, as we are in the UK it took a while to get the parts, however, this is not an issue, getting it fixed was, and they did this without hesitation.
I am 17stone in weight, and off one charge I have travelled around 30 miles.
My partner has now also bought one based on my usage and she tried mine out also, to go with our motorhome, and is very happy also, I can highly recommend this bike, very comfy with those tyres as well! we have put "slime" in them to protect them from punctures as well.